Mission and Values
Making Delicious Feel-Good Moments Easy for Everyone.
McDonald’s Mission
This is how we uniquely feed and foster communities. We serve delicious food people feel good about eating, with convenient locations and hours and affordable prices, and by working hard to offer the speed, choice and personalization our customers expect. At our best, we don’t just serve food, we serve moments of feel-good, all with the lighthearted, unpretentious, welcoming, dependable personality consumers know and love.
Global Inclusion
McDonald’s has a long history of striving to be a pioneer and pacesetter valuing inclusion and belonging. We strive to unlock the full potential of our people by creating an inclusive workplace where every employee feels their culture, identity, and experiences are valued and respected.

Since 1974, McDonald’s has helped support the Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) mission around the world.
When you work at McDonald’s you will know you are being a good neighbor through the support of Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC). RMHC is a charitable organization that cares for families with sick children around the world. It’s people like you — McDonald's customers and employees that have been making a difference for RMHC since 1974.
Gender Strategy
We’re committed to inspiring workplaces where everyone – from crew to c-suite – is equally supported and empowered to realize their full potential. But we also want to drive progress on a global scale by encouraging franchisees, suppliers and other partners to deliver initiatives that drive gender balance and improve diversity, with the goal of reaching millions of women worldwide.
Our Purpose & Impact
Here at McDonald’s, our purpose is to feed and foster communities. When we say, “billions served,” we’re not just talking about burgers. We’re talking about serving our communities, customers, crew, farmers, franchisees and suppliers. Because we know there’s a difference between being in a community and being part of one. City lines, county lines, even state lines.
These things don’t create communities. People do. We’re consistently inspired by the way people come together in ways big and small to support their communities. But they can’t afford to go it alone – they need support now more than ever. In response, we’re prioritizing our role and commitments in the tens of thousands of communities we operate in. We’re also speaking up about our impact on the communities we have been serving for more than 65 years, and how we plan to feed and foster the future of those communities over the next 65 years. How can McDonald’s make the biggest difference? As we look to the future, we believe we can have an even greater impact by focusing on four areas that matter to our communities.